Bella Beata



Importancia de la fase preanalítica en el laboratorio clínico de la Atención Primaria de Salud. Yohana Coronado Herrera 1Lic. Mariela Carballo Rivero 2Lic. Miriam Abreu Correa 3Lic. Katiuska Garbosa Savón 4Lic. Odeime Fariñas 5Lic. Aracelis García Herrera 6.

Servicios muchacha completos - 526554

Con este objetivo, se revisa cada subtipo de trastorno, sus posibles efectos y reconocimiento en el trabajo, el choque de la persona afectada y el tratamiento. Palabras clave: Salud mental, lugar de trabajo, depresión, trastorno adaptativo. In too many occasions, we lack the accurate procedures to deal with these problems and very often work conditions are an impediment to carry pasado a satisfactory and complete approach. These conditions can even originate, keep or mediate in many of the cases. If we don't do an early diagnosis to treat it in an effective way, the consequences will be very negative for workers and organizations. With this purpose we review each type of depressive disorder, its possible effects and recognition at work to approach an treat the ill person.

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