Bella Beata



Entre los resultados, se destacan tres tendencias emergentes. Palabras clave: TIC, amor, sexoafectividad, jóvenes, Tinder. Abstract: This article addresses the uses that young people from middle sectors of Buenos Aires deploy in dating applications. At the methodological level, an exploratory investigation was carried out, which consisted of the thematic analysis of a thousand profiles and 20 structured interviews with young users of Tinder, Happn and OkCupid. Among the results, 3 emerging trends stand out. Second, the surface consumption, which refers to a way of relating to profiles as objects of consumption, which implies not only voyeurism but a constant selection of candidates. Finally, the daily management of networks and applications that implies a demanding performance on one's identity in order to excel in the digital ecosystem.

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Episodio 6: Un recorrido por los fetiches sexuales más comunes.

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